Master Your
Trading Journey

Leverage an AI assistant for real-time insights, intelligent analytics, and automated journaling designed to refine your strategy across all markets.

Everything You Need to Trade Better


Multi-Instrument Support

Trade stocks, futures, forex, commodities, and indices all in one place. Track and analyze your performance across different markets.


Advanced Analytics

Get deep insights into your trading performance with profit factor analysis, drawdown tracking, and risk metrics.


AI Assistant

Elevate your trading decisions with real-time analysis, personalized trade insights, and voice-powered interaction that helps you capture and understand key market moments.


Performance Calendar

Visualize your trading performance with an interactive calendar view showing P&L and trade distribution.


Trading Psychology

Track your emotional states and analyze how they impact your trading decisions and performance.


Multi-Language Support

Use the platform in your preferred language with support for English, Spanish, French, and German.

Powerful Analytics at Your Fingertips


Equity Curve Analysis

Track your account growth and analyze performance trends over time.


Risk/Reward Metrics

Monitor key metrics like Sharpe ratio, profit factor, and max drawdown.


Win/Loss Distribution

Understand your win rate and average profit/loss per trade.